Back-to-School & Beyond: 3 Reasons Ecommerce Retailers Should Embrace Data Sharing

By Rae Guimond, Director of Strategy and Development at PriceSpider As summer draws to a close, swimming pools and sunny days give way to homework and hall passes. And of course, amidst the hustle and bustle of returning to the classroom comes the need for school supplies—and lots of them. In fact, according to the National Retail Federation, the back-to-school business is booming like never before. In 2023, back-to-school spending is expected to total $41.5 billion, up from $36.9 billion in 2022 and the previous high of $37.1 billion in 2021. Not to be outdone, back-to-college spending is expected to…

How and Why Retailers Should Improve Relationships with Brands

A mutually beneficial relationship makes both parties stronger, better, and more effective than they could ever be on their own. Think of classic partnerships like Batman and Robin, Laverne and Shirley, or pineapple and pizza. (Okay, we know that last one’s a little controversial.)  Whether it’s caped crime-fighters, comedic classics, or tropical fruits on Italian favorites, the right combination of efforts or inputs has the power to exponentially increase positive outcomes. And the same is true of retailers and their brands. But of course, it isn’t always easy for brands and retailers to get along. As a retailer, it can…

Retailers: Want More Web Traffic from Brands? Share Cart Data Through PriceSpider

“I think I’d miss you even if we never met,” goes the line from the romcom The Wedding Date. How does this apply to ecommerce and retailers, you ask? Well, many retailers think they’re already sharing enough data with their brands and don’t need to share it with a brand commerce platform like PriceSpider. But trust us when we say, you may be missing us and not even know it.  Unless a brand exclusively sells their products through your store, they have a lot of options for where to send their website visitors when it comes time to purchase. And…

How PriceSpider Keeps Retailer Data Secure and Private

When it comes to ecommerce, your customer data can give you a huge competitive advantage—as long as you use it well. But managing customer data is also a massive responsibility that can be a little intimidating at times. It takes a lot of infrastructure and ongoing work to ensure that the way you manage customer data builds trust in your brand and complies with increasingly stringent legislation around consumer data like GDPR. That’s why we understand when retailers put their guard up in conversations about ways to use and share their data. We have these conversations all the time, and…