Change is inevitable. These days, parents fret about how much device time to allow their children, longing for the days when television parcelled out entertainment on a set schedule, one commercial break at a time. A few decades ago, television was the culprit as parents longed for simpler times gathered around the radio. Before that, more than likely parents longed for “the good old days” of books as radio took off, and even earlier, cave wall paintings were better than the scourge of books rotting young minds. In other words, the only constant is change itself. To fight it is as futile as trying to turn back the hands of time.
The rules of data privacy are a-changing too. Apple shook the advertising world last year by announcing it would require app makers to ask for permission to track user data across iPhone apps and services. Some view this data as a lifeblood of their ad services. Given the choice, many users may opt out of data tracking, and then a company like Facebook could lose access to the IDFA (identifier for advertisers) and the ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of ad campaigns to clients. That third-party consumer data is viewed by Facebook and others as absolutely vital to its ad services.
The lever on this privacy shift has already been thrown by Apple back in April with the release of its 14.5 iOS update. While early indications show that it’s been a bumpy ride to fully implement thus far, the fact of the matter is, we are in the early throes of one era replacing another. And while things aren’t quite dialed-in yet, eventually they will tighten up.
It’s inevitable.
Just as parents learned to embrace a new entertainment mechanism each generation, so too will marketers adapt to new privacy rules as the certainty of change bears down on them. The only question is, what’s their next step?
The rise of first-party consumer data
With Android anticipated to follow Apple’s lead away from giving up third-party data all willy-nilly, other services are prepared to fill the void. And what’s a big tech party without Amazon? Unsurprisingly, the retail giant has a goldmine of consumer data (first-party consumer data) at its disposal with none of the limitations imposed by its phone-making peers.
Amazon has more than 200 million Prime members and access to ad-supported video content that reaches more than 120 million monthly viewers over its video properties, including Prime Video, IMDb TV, and Twitch. With brands spending at least $5 billion on retail media to reach consumers confined to their homes during the pandemic, it’s no surprise to hear that Amazon ad revenue has already grown 77 percent in the first quarter of 2021 to $6.9 billion.
This growth leads us to Amazon’s demand-side platform, Amazon DSP. This is where Buy Box Experts come in. Buy Box Experts is a team of former Amazonians with the experience, know-how, and access to help brands navigate the nuances of Amazon DSP at a lower barrier to entry. They know how to use Amazon DSP’s behavioral data to create targeted campaigns for any advertising channel, on or off of Amazon. Buy Box Experts has, in fact, helped its clients earn 20 percent better ROI than with regular Amazon ads.
Take a deep dive into Amazon DSP
To help you find your footing in this new-world order of data privacy, PriceSpider has partnered with Buy Box Experts to co-host a new webinar called How Do Brands Win With Amazon DSP? On Thursday, June 24 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pacific time, we will be joined by James Thomson, Partner at Buy Box Experts and former business head of Amazon Services, and Dave Vermeulen, Director of DSP at Buy Box Experts to discuss:
- How DSP is used for targeting your ideal customers
- What kinds of ads work with this demand-side platform
- How to use Amazon DSP ads versus sponsored display ads
- When and why to use this advertising option
- How to incorporate Amazon DSP into your overall advertising strategy
As the digital advertising world changes around us, you can seek new opportunities and gain new advantages, or fight it, just as our ancestors probably once fought the corruption brought on by those newfangled “books,” longing for the purity of old cave wall paintings.
If you’re ready to get ahead of the curve and get more out of your Amazon ad dollars, watch our on demand webinar now.